Kowhai minimum booking - 2 sessions (12hrs a week)
Our 4-6 year old space offers:
A learning space for four year old children, to support their connections with peers and developing social skills. We teach children strategies to support their resilience and self confidence prior to their transition into primary school.
Knowledge and skills are extended through fine motor exercises, puzzles, games, information sharing, art, research, dance and music.
Children are empowered to take responsibility and become more independent and confident throughout all daily experiences.
Daily Programme
8am-9am Children arrive
Encourage your child to find their name, sign themselves in and hang up their bag, then choose something to do from the shelves or from the library area.
Circle time - We will be developing group participation skills, turn taking, respecting others, and extending verbal and non-verbal communication.
Brain gym/music. We will incorporate gentle physical movements to co-ordinate the brain and body. Brain Gym/Music improves many different skills including listening, attention, memory and co-ordination.
Experiences offered to children include shared reading and literacy, pincer grip, cutting, pasting, alphabet, letter recognition, colours, shapes, creativity, exploration, self-care and independence.
Morning tea
Self initiated play
12pm Lunch time
Child Initiated play, Puzzles and games. Numeracy, basic number concepts, number/value recognition and patterns.
Afternoon Tea
Self Initiated play & Storytime. Children are encouraged to pack their bags and reflect on the their play.
3pm-4pm End of the day