Manuka minimum booking - 2 sessions (12hrs a week)
Our 2-4 year old space offers:
A warm homely environment where children are empowered to be confident learners through experiences that extend their knowledge and abilities within their individual interests.
Opportunities for each child be nurtured, to have fun, develop their imagination and sense of creativity, within our spacious indoor and outdoor areas.
A play based programme with opportunities for exploration for children to connect and become immersed in learning with and alongside friends.
Our environment provides opportunities for children to enhance rhythm, language development, co-ordination, balance, posture, spacial perception, confidence, visual skills, loco motor skills and the ability to learn.
Daily Programme
8-9am Children Arrive
Child Initiated Play
Circle Time & Music. We welcome children and they are encouraged to contribute and be involved. Self expression, confidence and social skills are extended. Children enjoy musical experiences, including drama and dance, singing and rhymes, and group games developing confidence and spatial awareness.
Group Time. Children work with teachers in groups on activities that are relevant and of interest to them.
Morning Tea
Child Initiated Play
Library Time. We enjoy storytelling, participate in rhymes, boardstories and finger plays.
12pm Lunch Time
Child Initiated Activities
Afternoon Tea
Child Initiated Activities
End of day Library Time
3-4pm Our Day Finishes.